X-Press Feeders Plastic Awareness Day 2020

Written by Admin Test | Aug 21, 2020 4:10:00 AM

This week, over 200 of our employees from all our offices participated in a virtual event combining a talk hosted by Seven Clean Seas, together with a quiz on plastics.

The talk on responsible plastic consumption touched on the dangers relating to microplastics and served as a reminder on how much plastic can harm the marine environment. 

The impact that plastics has on our oceans, ecosystems, and even on us humans, is truly alarming. That is why at X-Press Feeders, we are working to reduce, reuse, recycle and remove single-use plastics from our offices and ships. 

"There is no such thing as away because plastic is so permanent and so indestructible that when you cast it into the ocean, it does not go away."